Closing Rate Statistics

Closing rate statistics provide you with a clear view about the performance of users or the company as a whole.

On the Reports page, the most important information regarding closing is displayed by taking into account the performance of the whole company.


Closing rate statistics

The report shows how well sales reps, sales teams, and the company as a whole performs in closing sales.

Closing rate

Shows the percentage of opportunities that were closed as won within the examined period.

Closed won

Shows the number of cards that were closed as won within the selected period.

Closed lost

Shows the number of cards that were closed as lost within the selected period.

Stayed in Sales for

Here you can see how many days your opportunities, who were closed within the examined period, spent in the Sales cycle. It indicates how much time it takes for users/user groups to close the sales.


Only in Sales module. Here you can see those leads with whom you didn’t start to deal in time.


Filter conditions

Closing date

By selecting an option, only those cards will be examined that were closed during the examined period.

Users and groups

Only cards belonging to the selected users or user groups (in new sales module) will be examined.

Qualification (in new sales module)

By selecting an option, only VIP, Qualified, or Unqualified leads will be displayed.


You can choose from User and User groups view. The diagram will be rearranged and the cards will be grouped according to the selected option.

Data export

Click on Export to export your statistics to an Excel spreadsheet. Data will be exported according to your settings.